Opportunities to Advance the Building Energy Efficiency Market in the Health Care Sector

  • January 7, 2013
  • COWS
  • John Cleveland and James Irwin

This report presents recommendations on potential high impact philanthropic investments to advance deep building energy efficiency improvements at scale within the healthcare sector. It is one of five reports being developed for a coalition of six philanthropies that are collaborating to see what they – and others – might do to rapidly increase and scale the energy efficiency retrofit market for buildings in the United States. These philanthropies are the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Energy Foundation, Kresge Foundation, Living Cities, MacArthur  Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation. The other sectors for which market development strategies are being developed include: commercial office, commercial retail, single-family residential, and multifamily residential.

In the summer of 2012, expert panels of 10-12 individuals were convened for each of these sub-segments. These panels developed recommendations on priority approaches and research needs for each sector. The recommendations in this and the other segment reports build upon these initial ideas.

The process used to develop these recommendations included background research on energy efficiency strategies for the healthcare sector and interviews with 33 participants in the sector, representing healthcare systems, NGOs, trade associations, service providers and utilities.1 The interviews solicited feedback on the recommendations from the expert panel as well as other ideas the interviewees had on how to advance this